Pugno di dollari...
If you play SNGs for $55 or more, go ahead and do yourself a favor. Right now. Open up a table of 200NL and just watch for 5 minutes. Preferably 6-max. I'll wait.

Wow! Did you SEE that shit!??!?!? That part where the guy folded getting better that 15:1 on the flop after calling a preflop raise for 4BB? That hand where the guy 3-bet ALL IN with AQs preflop? That guy who bet 1/4 of the pot on the river with the stone cold nuts? Yeah, pretty bad, huh?

Now think about this--that crazy donkey shit is going down all the time at those tables. They're at least as bad as, if not worse than, tourno players. And they're playing for cash! When you pick up a pot, it's denominated in US dollars. Not some abstract form of 3rd-level currency that represents your share (derived by ICM of course) of a prize pool that you can theoretically convert into money at a rate %5-%15 more reliably than your average opponent. Dollars.

Anyway, think about that for awhile. And if you still think SNGs are the way to go, more power to you. I see the advantages inherent in the game. The mathematical reducibility is unparalleled in SNGs. 80%-90% accurate late-game play can be learned in a matter of days. There are donks I have played over 20 SNGs with, and have less than 200 hands on. So if you decide to stick with that, I understand. But I just thought I'd let you know what else is going on out there...

Wow! Did you SEE that shit!??!?!? That part where the guy folded getting better that 15:1 on the flop after calling a preflop raise for 4BB? That hand where the guy 3-bet ALL IN with AQs preflop? That guy who bet 1/4 of the pot on the river with the stone cold nuts? Yeah, pretty bad, huh?

Now think about this--that crazy donkey shit is going down all the time at those tables. They're at least as bad as, if not worse than, tourno players. And they're playing for cash! When you pick up a pot, it's denominated in US dollars. Not some abstract form of 3rd-level currency that represents your share (derived by ICM of course) of a prize pool that you can theoretically convert into money at a rate %5-%15 more reliably than your average opponent. Dollars.

Anyway, think about that for awhile. And if you still think SNGs are the way to go, more power to you. I see the advantages inherent in the game. The mathematical reducibility is unparalleled in SNGs. 80%-90% accurate late-game play can be learned in a matter of days. There are donks I have played over 20 SNGs with, and have less than 200 hands on. So if you decide to stick with that, I understand. But I just thought I'd let you know what else is going on out there...

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