Have you been to the carnival?
Had a horrific day at work today that's motivating reflection on holding down this job. I'll spare you the details, but I work at the repair department of a major electronics retailer (yes, that one). When I took the job a year ago, it seemed like a lot of money (at least, better than the $10/hr I pulled working customer service for UPS). Now the job is major -$EV, since it wears me out and makes it impossible to put in good table hours after a shift. Thankfully, cost cuts from upstairs forced management to cut everyone's hours by 1/3, so I only work 2 days a week now. I guess at the risk of going all tl;dr, I should get to the point.

The job is important. It gives me a compelling reason to leave the house: I've made committments to my co-workers (who I dig) and I don't back down on committments that I make to people (committments to organizations fall under a different category). So my fear is that if I become a "professional poker player", I'll start making all the decisions in my life based on $EV. Quitting my job, not getting enough exercise, never socializing; these things come naturally to me, and the last thing I need is a good excuse to encourage them. The take-home is that EV(Dollars) is not equal to EV(Life), and all the fat slobs you see at the WPT/WSOP are the proof.

The $55s have been good to me so far; really good to me. Better than those slunch-ass $33s. Let's just say my max OOTM streak is only 2 more than my max ITM streak.

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The job is important. It gives me a compelling reason to leave the house: I've made committments to my co-workers (who I dig) and I don't back down on committments that I make to people (committments to organizations fall under a different category). So my fear is that if I become a "professional poker player", I'll start making all the decisions in my life based on $EV. Quitting my job, not getting enough exercise, never socializing; these things come naturally to me, and the last thing I need is a good excuse to encourage them. The take-home is that EV(Dollars) is not equal to EV(Life), and all the fat slobs you see at the WPT/WSOP are the proof.

The $55s have been good to me so far; really good to me. Better than those slunch-ass $33s. Let's just say my max OOTM streak is only 2 more than my max ITM streak.

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