Ship the alcohol...

Today fsking SUCKED... peaked at $800, ended at $37. I just took beat after beat after cooler after beat today, and y'know what? I'm starting to forget what it feels like to run good. It last happened like way back in June after I moved to the 55s. Since then it has just been a grind, at something like 5 or 6% ROI. But I'm still alive and the roll grows every month, so all in all I can't complain. When the heater happens, it'll happen. Or it might not, and I might just be doomed to single-digit ROIs for the rest of my days. I'll still make it.

I have 93,534 to go until Supernova, and like 5 mil to go until Aston. I'm going to take a serious shot at getting 5 mil points before the government completely bans online poker, because at least then I could be like "Well, at least I got an ASTON FUCKING MARTIN out of all this." Otherwise it might seem like this whole period of my life was just a weird dream. Actually that pretty much describes most periods of my life but whatev.

I'm too pissed off to write anymore; Ima go have a drink and go to bed. Ship the upswing tomorrow plskthx.
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