Thursday, September 21, 2006

I write this really cool poetry inspired by...

So I took about a week off SNGs after a soul-crushing day where I dropped over 2.2k. Played a couple WCOOP events that I qualified into and generally donked around at Stars 2/4 HORSE and now I'm back at Party 109s. During the "break" I felt kinda bad that I wasn't playing 50/day and hauling in the mad dough, but now that I'm back, I feel like it was just what I needed.

So now I'm back at it, and I learned something new. When I'm feeling shitty about poker (and life), I need to take a break. And there's nothing wrong with that. I work for myself. I can work as much or as little as I feel like. Just because some people are robots who can play 8 hours a day doesn't mean it'll work for me. Does that make me a worse player? Almost definitely. But it's something I'll continue to work on in the coming months, and some day maybe I too will reach such enviable heights of degeneracy.

So here's my month of SNGs so far.

I'm +1k from the Mansion promo (as an aside, if you hedged and you have a bankroll of 4k or more, quit gambling forever), -600 from HORSE donkage and WCOOP qualis. Finished 1300/4500 in WCOOP 2 (530 NLHE) which was a little disappointing. I'm still waiting for positive variance to kick me in the face in MTTs. I hear this is what the top pros do. I have like 3 cashes, none of them deep.

I'm out like reds in '88.

Here's what you should be reading, listening to, and watching. That is all.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Well, it happened. I had to drop from the 109s again. I'm going to play a mixture of 55s and 77s until I get my roll back up to 100*109. Yesterday was my worst day ever, as $1600 worth of horrible shit kept coming in against me. Over one stretch of 12, I lost every single coinflip (and only got ITM once, by the way). After that I just felt like my confidence was shaken and I was off my A-game.

After this recent drop I had a realization, though. Let's say, hypothetically, that at some point during my move up to the 109s, I drop 2k from my starting roll. For example, I start at 9k, go up 500 or so, then drop to under 7k. This result is completely within the expectations of variance. If I then get shook about my game and drop to the 55s/77s, it's going to take me almost twice as long to win back the 2k as it would at the 109s. In this case, the only way I could ever permanently move up would be if I started off on a heater and never looked back (sorta like what happened at the 55s, maybe?) So really, the lesson here is that if you have confidence in your game, and you want to move up, brace yourself for a downswing, because working through it is probably going to be better for your lifetime $/hr than pussing out and having to stack back up at a lower level.

Also, if you haven't done it already, get RVG's ROI Simulator. It will change the way you fret about variance. And if you want to know why the USA sucks at world ball, look no further. Agent fucking Zero is not good enough to play point but KIRK FUCKING HINRICH is?! Compare those highlight reels... Almost convices me Schushefski is a racist. He sure looks like one.

Also, if you're not watching this let me know and I will introduce you to the inside of an ambulance. I hear the hospital has a nice new one that you should really check out.

And this post wouldn't be complete without my sweet MTD graph. See that nub of blue on the end? THAT"S PROFFIT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!11