I write this really cool poetry inspired by...
So I took about a week off SNGs after a soul-crushing day where I dropped over 2.2k. Played a couple WCOOP events that I qualified into and generally donked around at Stars 2/4 HORSE and now I'm back at Party 109s. During the "break" I felt kinda bad that I wasn't playing 50/day and hauling in the mad dough, but now that I'm back, I feel like it was just what I needed.

So now I'm back at it, and I learned something new. When I'm feeling shitty about poker (and life), I need to take a break. And there's nothing wrong with that. I work for myself. I can work as much or as little as I feel like. Just because some people are robots who can play 8 hours a day doesn't mean it'll work for me. Does that make me a worse player? Almost definitely. But it's something I'll continue to work on in the coming months, and some day maybe I too will reach such enviable heights of degeneracy.

So here's my month of SNGs so far.

I'm +1k from the Mansion promo (as an aside, if you hedged and you have a bankroll of 4k or more, quit gambling forever), -600 from HORSE donkage and WCOOP qualis. Finished 1300/4500 in WCOOP 2 (530 NLHE) which was a little disappointing. I'm still waiting for positive variance to kick me in the face in MTTs. I hear this is what the top pros do. I have like 3 cashes, none of them deep.

I'm out like reds in '88.
Here's what you should be reading, listening to, and watching. That is all.

So now I'm back at it, and I learned something new. When I'm feeling shitty about poker (and life), I need to take a break. And there's nothing wrong with that. I work for myself. I can work as much or as little as I feel like. Just because some people are robots who can play 8 hours a day doesn't mean it'll work for me. Does that make me a worse player? Almost definitely. But it's something I'll continue to work on in the coming months, and some day maybe I too will reach such enviable heights of degeneracy.

So here's my month of SNGs so far.

I'm +1k from the Mansion promo (as an aside, if you hedged and you have a bankroll of 4k or more, quit gambling forever), -600 from HORSE donkage and WCOOP qualis. Finished 1300/4500 in WCOOP 2 (530 NLHE) which was a little disappointing. I'm still waiting for positive variance to kick me in the face in MTTs. I hear this is what the top pros do. I have like 3 cashes, none of them deep.

I'm out like reds in '88.
Here's what you should be reading, listening to, and watching. That is all.