Well, completely ignoring my own advice, I decided to quit my job and "go pro". Most of it was due to my success at the 55s, some of it was due to a stupid management decision that ended up with me working for someone who had no idea what I did or was supposed to do. The cost-benefit analysis just got more and more weighted towards quitting as my hourly rate got higher and higher.

Shortly therafter, I just hit a mental brick wall with my schoolwork. There was a bit of homework to do for the seminar I was attending, and it had to be done by June 29. I just couldn't finish in time. I knew the deadline was coming, I had read the material, I knew I could write good shit about it, and.... I stopped about halfway through. I heard a voice in my head say "Why am I doing this?", and I couldn't come up with a good answer. I mean, the best-case scenario for school--a law degree--would involve 6 years and over $100,000 in debt, after which my starting salary would be around $60K. Maybe in 5 years I could get that up to 6 figs.
OR, I thought:I could quit school and just play poker all the time. If I only put in 4 hours a day at $50/hr, that's, um, $200/day, which is over $52,000 if I only work 5 days a week. This is basically a permanent vacation compared to my old job, for 30% more dough. If I actually worked hard at it, got my hourly up to $60, and did 8 hours 5 days a week, that's $100K+ easy. Working from home. In my underwear. And let's say I move up in stakes, and make $100/hr by the end of the year. I remember talking with a friend from college about what we wanted to do "when we grew up", and one thing we agreed on was that it had to be a career where we could pull a bill an hour by the time we were 40. Well...

So that's what I did. I quit my job, quit school, went on a fishing trip (fucking
here, ship it), and now that's what I'm doing. I'm going to take it easy at first, try to play at least 30 tournos/day, and take the opportunity to get out into this beautiful summer and lose some of the "work weight" that I put on scarfing birthday cake and free soda at that hellhole. I'm also going on
another vacation at the end of July to see my friends in Colorado.
Poker has been *meh* since I got back, but hey, it happens.

Allez les
bleus, batch...